New colleague in Lillestrøm

New colleague in Lillestrøm

We have a new employee in Norway – Christiane Duscha!   Christiane holds a MSc in Meterology from Hamburg. She also recently defended her PhD thesis at University of Bergen within the title: “Characterizing the convective boundary layer with wind-profiling...
The wind year of 2023

The wind year of 2023

“Calm and cold” was the best describing keywords for the three first weeks of the new year over the Nordics. Looking back on the year behind us, the wind has also been remarkably calm over large areas over long periods. Here is a short summary of the wind...
Icy temperatures over Scandinavia

Icy temperatures over Scandinavia

The Scandinavians have noticed one thing about the start of the new year – it is cold! But what is the cause of this drop in the temperature? We have gotten one of our experts in meteorology – Dr Sigmund Guttu – to explain this cold weather. The start of the...