Kjeller Vindteknikk delivers wind measurements and forecasts for assemble of the world’s first floating wind farm

At the moment Statoil is assembling their five HYWIND-turbines onto the floating substructures outside the west coast of Norway. The wind turbines each have a 6 MW capacity and a rotor diameter of 154 m. The swept area of the rotor corresponds to the area of 2.5 fotball fields.
When the turbines are fully assembled they will reach 178 m above the ocean surface. To make the operation possible, Statoil is using the world’s second largest crane vessel, Saipem 7000.
Wind is a critical parameter in the assembling of the turbine and tower onto the floating substructure. If it is too windy, the operation cannot be done in a safe way. On the other hand, it is expensive to rent a large crane vessel and it is therefore desired to get the operation done as quickly as possible. Therefore detailed knowledge of the wind conditions as well as forecasts of the wind of great importance. During the operation Kjeller Vindteknikk is measuring the wind condition up to 200 m above surface and are also providing short-term forecast of the wind conditions.
Video showing the assemble of the first HYWIND-turbinen: https://youtu.be/-eZu_uNcVN4